


Plenary Speakers

Noam Greenberg is a professor at Victoria University of Weilington. His major research interesting are computability theory, algorithmic randomness, reverse mathematics, higher recursion theory, computable model theory, and set theory. He has published more than 60 papers. He also has monographs 'The role of true finiteness in the admissible recursively enumerable degrees' published in Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society and 'A transfinite hierarchy of lowness notions in the computably enumerable degrees, unifying classes, and natural definability' joint with Rod Downey published in Annals of Mathematics Studies. He was an editor of Transactions of AMS and a coordinate editor of Journal of Symbolic logic. In 2017 he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand.

Alexander Kechris is professor of mathematics at the California Institute of Technology. His research interests cover foundations of mathematics, mathematical logic and set theory, and their interactions with analysis, dynamical systems and combinatorics. He has published more than 130 papers and several books in these areas . He is in the editorial board of many mathematical journals. He was an invited speaker at the ICM, 1986, and In 2012 he became an Inaugural Fellow of the American Mathematical Society.

Thomas Scanlon is a mathematician at the University of California, Berkeley. His research area is model theory and its applications to algebra and number theory. He uses pure model-theoretic tools to solve problems in algebra and number theory. He works on very broad topics in mathmetics including various fields, for example, valued fields, valued difference fields and differential fields, and also arithmetic dynamics. His work has remarkable influences in Mordell-Lang conjecture and André-Oort conjecture.

Zhi-Wei Sun is a full professor at Nanjing University. His research fields are number theory, mathematical logic, combinatorics and group theory. He has published over 200 research papers in mathematical journals such as Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. and Math. Res. Lett. He has also posed many original conjectures such as the 1-3-5 conjecture. His work in mathematical logic focuses on Hilbert's Tenth Problem and its variants.

Todor Tsankov is a professor at Université Claude Bernard in Lyon. He works at the interface of descriptive set theory, model theory, and dynamical systems. Since 2018 he is a junior member of Institut Universitaire de France.He has published many papers in Duke Math. J, Advances in Mathematics, Journal of Symbolic Logic, and many others.

Invited Speakers

  • Model Theory:

端木昊随 Haosui Duanmu (University of California, Berkeley)

李伟 Wei Li (Chinese Academy of Sciences)

邹婷湘 Tingxiang Zou (University of Münster) (Online)

  • Computability Theory:

刘路 Lu Liu (Central South University)

彭程 Cheng Peng (Nankai University)

吴慧珊 Huishan Wu (Beijing Language and Culture University)

  • Set Theory:

David Chodounsky (Charles University) (Online)

吴刘臻 Liuzhen Wu (Chinese Academy of Sciences)

张航 Hang Zhang (Southwest Jiaotong University)

  • Philosophy Logic:

范杰 Jie Fan (Chinese Academy of Sciences)

琚凤魁 Fengkui Ju (Beijing Normal University)

许涤非 Difei Xu (Renmin University of China)