Call for Contributed Talks

Each contributed talk should last 20 minutes including questions and answers. If you would like to give a contributed talk, please send the following materials: 

As email attachments to “” by July 17, 2023:

Requirements for the abstract:  

 1. The title & short abstract of your proposed talk (LaTeX version + PDF version)

 2. A short resume (no more than 2 pages long) including a select publication list

When sending your email, please:

  • Begin the subject line with [Talk]

  • Name your title/abstract files as: lastname_firstname_subject

 e.g., John_Mark_Settheory.tex, John_Mark_Settheory.pdf

  • Name your resume file as: lastname_firstname_resume

e.g., John_Mark_Resume.pdf

After reviewing your application, we will notify you of the result by July 31, 2023.

Ab­stract should be pre­pared ac­cording to the ASL in­struc­tions using the ASL ab­stract style .

Ab­stracts are pub­lished as part of the meeting re­port in The Bul­letin of Sym­bolic Logic only if at least one au­thor is a member of the ASL at the time the re­port is sent for pub­li­ca­tion.

Ab­stracts of con­tributed pa­pers sub­mitted by ASL mem­bers will be pub­lished in The Bul­letin of Sym­bolic Logic, pro­vided that they sat­isfy the Rules for Ab­stracts (see above).