1. The title & short abstract of your proposed talk (LaTeX version + PDF version)
2. A short resume (no more than 2 pages long) including a select publication list
When sending your email, please:
Begin the subject line with [Talk]
Name your title/abstract files as: lastname_firstname_subject
e.g., John_Mark_Settheory.tex, John_Mark_Settheory.pdf
Name your resume file as: lastname_firstname_resume
e.g., John_Mark_Resume.pdf
After reviewing your application, we will notify you of the result by July 31, 2023.
Abstract should be prepared according to the ASL instructions using the ASL abstract style .
Abstracts are published as part of the meeting report in The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic only if at least one author is a member of the ASL at the time the report is sent for publication.
Abstracts of contributed papers submitted by ASL members will be published in The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, provided that they satisfy the Rules for Abstracts (see above).